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Privacy Policy

Vstock Lifesciences will discuss their privacy policy in the following sections for the users (including sellers and buyers/customers, both registered & non-registered) accessing, offering, selling or purchasing products or services on Vstock’s websites, mobile sites or mobile applications.
The terms we/ us/ our individually and collectively refer to each entity being part of the definition of Vstock and the terms "You"/ "Your"/ "Yourself refer to the user.



By visiting this website, You agree to be tied to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If You do not agree please do not use or access this Website. Please read the policy carefully and if You have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, You can contact Our Customer Support Desk at [email protected].

I. Optional Registration

In general, You can browse the Website without registration and by not giving us Your personal details. However, to access certain services/features our website requires You to register. You always have the option to not register with the website.

II. Information collected
  • Personal Information
  • We may collect Personal Information - meaning personally identifiable information including, but not limited to Your name, age, address, email address, phone number, institute details, designation; some Sensitive Personal Information - meaning Your financial information like Your passwords, credit card or debit card numbers; or Tracking information such as the location of the device from which You accessed the Website or the Internet Protocol (IP) address.Non-Personal Information
    Vstock may also collect Non-Personal Information such as details of Your telecom/internet service provider, type of browser, operating system of device when You visit and/or use the Website. This Non-Personal-Information, however, would not assist Vstock to identify You personally. Personal Information may be collected in various ways like registering or communicating with Vstock customer care whereas Non-Personal Information is gathered through different means such as the use of cookies.

  • Cookies
  • A cookie is a small file that asks for approval to be placed on Your computer's hard drive. Once You agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyze web traffic or lets You know when You visit a particular site. Cookies enable web applications to respond to You as an individual. The web application can tailor its services to Your needs, likes & dislikes by collecting and remembering information about Your preferences. Overall, cookies help us present You with a better website, by allowing us to monitor which pages You find valuable and which You do not. A cookie in no way gives us entrance to Your computer or any other information about You except what You choose to share with us. You can decide to accept or reject cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but You can usually modify Your browser settings to reject cookies. This may, however, restrict You from taking complete advantage of the website.

  • Advertisements
  • Vstock may use third-party service providers to serve ads on Vstock’s behalf across the internet and sometimes on the Website. They may collect Non- Personal Information about Your visits to the Website, and Your interaction with our products and services on the Website


    Please do note that Personal Information and Non-Personal Information may be treated differently as per this Privacy Policy.


    You hereby express to Vstock that -
    The Information You provide to Vstock every time is and shall be real, accurate, current and updated and You have all the necessary rights, approvals, and consents as may be required to provide such Information to Vstock.

    III. Purpose of information gathered
    We need this information to understand Your requirements to provide You with a better service and
    • To create and maintain a database of such information which will help future Users to meet their requirements
    • To present advertisements, products and offers tailored to Your preferences
    • To enable a potential buyer or investor to evaluate the business of Vstock
    IV. Send Enquiry and other Services

    If You are not already registered with the site and wish to obtain a quote/send an inquiry for the products listed on the website or wish to buy a lead, we will ask for Your name, e-mail address, institute details, designation and phone number. We use this information to respond to Your inquiry.

    V. Contact Us

    If You send Us personal correspondence, such as emails or letters, or leave feedback we may collect Your name, email address etc. into a file specific for You and to respond to Your inquiry.

    VI. E-Newsletters & Promotional Emails

    We will use Your e-mail address collected in any of the above ways to send the newsletter, promotional email about special offers, news updates or other information to You. Out of respect for Your privacy, we provide You a way to unsubscribe, through the Opt-Out option. We will ask for Your consent before using any information for a purpose other than those that are set out in this Privacy Policy.

    VII. IP Addresses

    When guests request pages from the website, our servers log the guests' IP address. We do not ordinarily link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable, which means that although a user's session will be logged, the user remains anonymous to our team. We may collect IP addresses for the intentions of system administration, to report total information to our advertisers, to gather broad demographic information, and to audit the use of our site.

    VIII. Disclosure of Your Information Shared

    No Service will be available to You unless You hereby agree (without any conditions) and permit that Vstock may transfer, share, disclose or part with all or any of Your Information, within and outside of the Republic of India to various Vstock entities and to third party service providers/ partners/ banks and financial institutions for one or more of the purposes or as may be required by applicable law. We use other third parties such as a credit/debit card processing company, payment gateway, pre-paid cards etc. to permit You to make payments for buying products or services on Vstock. When You sign up for these services, You may be able to save Your card details for future reference and faster future payments. In such circumstances, we may share Your relevant Personal Information including your name, residence and email address as necessary for the third parties to render services.


    In no case will we sell, distribute or lease Your personal information/data to third parties unless required by law or to implement applicable Terms of Service, or to Detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues.

    IX. Links to other websites

    Links to third-party advertisements, third-party websites or any third party electronic communication service may be provided on the Website which is managed by third parties and are not regulated by, or affiliated to, or associated with Vstock, unless expressly specified on the Website. If You use these links to leave our site, You must note that we no longer have any control over that other website.

    X. Protecting Your Personal Information

    The usually accepted industry standards are followed by us to safeguard the personally identifiable information given to us, both during the transmission and after receiving it. In any case, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore in spite of our sincere efforts, in any case, we cannot guarantee an absolute security.

  • Blog/Forums
  • While using a blog or forum on our site, You must consider that any identifiable personal information You provide can be read, obtained, or used by other users of these blogs and forums, and may also be used to send You unrequested messages. We are not accountable for the personally identifiable information You choose to submit in these blogs or forums.To request removal of Your personal information from our blog, contact us at [email protected].

  • Social Media Widgets
  • Social Media Features, like the 'Facebook Like button', is included on our website. These Features may ask Your IP address and may set a cookie to enable various Features to work suitably. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it and we are not responsible for any personal information You submit to them.

  • Customer Comments/Testimonials
  • Customer comments or testimonials maybe posted on our sites which may contain personally identifiable information. We do take the customer's consent via e-mail prior to posting the comment or testimonial to post their name along with their comment or testimonial. If You wish to amend or remove Your testimonial, You can contact us at [email protected].

    XI. Security

    For the sake of preventing any unauthorized access or disclosure, various physical, electronic and operational procedures have been set up to safeguard and secure the information collected online

    While We will endeavor to take all reasonable and appropriate steps to keep secure any Personal Information which We hold about You and prevent unauthorized access, You acknowledge that the internet or computer networks are not fully secure and that We cannot provide any absolute assurance regarding the security of Your Personal Information.
    If You have any questions about security on Our Website, You can e-mail us at [email protected].

    XII. Updating the Information

    Where we can provide information access and correction, we will do so for free, except where it would need an excessive effort. We strive to maintain our services in a way that protects information from accidental or malicious destruction. It is for this reason that, post Your deleting of the information from our services or deleting Your account permanently, we may not instantly delete the leftover copies from our active servers and may not eliminate information from our backup systems. Cached and archived pages may keep copies of Your (User) Contributions viewable and/or it may be copied or stored by other users of our websites. .
    If You think that any information we are holding of You is false or inadequate, please write to or email us as soon as possible, at the above address. We will quickly correct any information found to be incorrect. However, it must be noted that besides our own policies Your right to update or delete your personal information, may be subject to the law of Your jurisdiction-

    • Your request is an encroachment on other person's right or safety
    • When the information you wish to update is under a legal proceeding
    XIII. EU/GDPR Data Protection and Privacy Rights
    • Right to access (Processed personal information)
    • Right to data portability of the information provided by the USER
    • Right to erasure (also known as Right to be Forgotten)
    • Right to information (reasons for processing information and contact details of the DPO amongst others)
    • Right to object
    • Right to rectification
    • Right to restriction of processing
    XII. Opt-out

    An unsubscribe option will be provided in our newsletters & promotional emails that You can use to stop receiving such communication from us. You agree and confirm that You are providing your Information out of Your free will. You have an option not to provide or allow Vstock to collect Your Personal Information or later, You can withdraw Your consent with respect to such Personal Information by sending an email to [email protected] or such other electronic address of the respective Vstock entity as may be notified to You. In such case, You should neither visit any Website nor use any services provided by Vstock entities nor shall contact any of Vstock entities. Further, Vstock may not deliver products to You, upon Your order, or Vstock may deny you access from using certain services offered on the Website.

    XIV. Amendments to the Policy

    Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We will post any privacy policy changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice. If even after any changes have been made to our privacy policy, You continue to use or access our website, it implies Your consent to the changes.

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